Fly on the Wall

A "fly on the wall" experience in newborn photography offers an immersive and observational opportunity for individuals interested in learning about the intricate artistry of capturing those precious early moments. As you sit in on a scheduled newborn photo session, you gain firsthand insight into my workflow, creative process, and technical aspects. You'll witness the careful orchestration of camera settings and studio lighting to achieve the desired atmosphere. Moreover, you'll have the chance to observe safe and artful newborn posing techniques, a crucial aspect of newborn photography. Throughout the session, I will provide explanations and insights into decision-making, allowing you to understand the nuances of creating beautiful and memorable images. This type of experience not only provides a unique learning opportunity but also allows you to ask questions in real-time, seeking clarification on specific aspects of the process. Whether you're interested in the technical aspects of camera settings and lighting or the artistic elements of posing, being a "fly on the wall" in a newborn photography session offers a comprehensive and invaluable educational experience.

We will discuss before and debrief after the session to ask any questions/concerns
Sessions take place Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-2pm

price $300